IND103 - Industrial Methods


IND103 - Industrial Methods:
Covers theoretical knowledge necessary for familiarization with common hand tools, common power tools, measuring tools and techniques, fastening components and procedures, grinding operations, metal cutting operations, and other miscellaneous tasks.

Required Materials:
Full Frame Safety Glasses
Digital Caliper .0005" Resolution
Machinery's Handbook, 5th ed.

8.21 - Welcome!

We spent the class looking at all the tools we are going to learn this coming semester. We took a tour of the spaces available to us and what projects we will develop as a result of this course. Make sure that you pick up a decent caliper and have your own safety glasses. We will jump right in next class.

Getting Started:
Will will review the syllabus and get to know each other!

Supplemental Materials:

For next class...
Make sure to fill out the photo release form and submit via this form:
PVCC Photo Release Form
Photo Release Form Submission

8.28 - Measurement Basics

We will look at simple measurement techniques and practice using tools like a caliper!

Getting Started:
Spend some time measuring the given objects and comparing your measurements to other students. We will compare a few and talk about measurement techniques.

Supplemental Materials:
Johnson 6" Digital Caliper Instruction Manual
Measurement Demo with Calipers

For next class...
Sketch out your idea for a 2D flat geometric layout for a 3D shape. Make sure you create real measurements that we can design in software.
Create an Autodesk Educational Account if you have not done so already. We are going to use this for 2D and 3D design.

9.04 - Accurate 2D Drawing & Constraints

We will be looking at simple sketching and constraining techniques in Fusion 360 to design 3D geometries with flat material.

Getting Started:
Start your 3D shape idea. What is the purpose? We are going to use flat material to create 3D geometries and learn some simple methods of joining. Take accurate measurements of the object your would like to create!

Supplemental Materials:
Fusion 360 - Sketch Overview
Sketching Basics Video

For next class...
Come to class with your design in Fusion completed. We will laser cut these next week!

9.11 - Laser Cutter

Getting Started:
Pull up your drawing in Fusion so that we can export to DXF for preparation on the laser cutter!

Supplemental Materials:
Universal Software and Driver Downloads
Universal VLS User Guide
Universal VLS Service Manual
Laser Cutter Design Guidelines
Completing your 3D Box Design Video

For next class...
Make sure your design in Fusion is complete, exported to DXF and ready to be laser cut. If you can make it to lab hours, please cut out your project in 3mm or 5mm wood!

9.18 - Project Time

Getting Started:
Use this period to finish up your designs and utilize the laser cutter!

Supplemental Materials:
Class Flatpack Box Example - .f3d
Exporting your Design to Illustrator

For next class...
Be prepared to start our next mini project on 3D design!

9.25 - 3D Design in CAD

Getting Started:
Open Fusion to begin our first 3D design! Think of something useful you would like to create in class.

Supplemental Materials:
Class 3D Hook Example - .f3d
Creating a Simple Hook in Fusion 360 - COMING SOON

For next class...
Work on your 3D design in CAD and be prepared to create something on the 3D printers in class.

10.2 - 3D Printing

Getting Started:
Make sure you are ready to print your part from last class. We will all 3D print one thing and setup the machine for our individual parts.

Supplemental Materials:
GrabCAD Print Software
Stratasys F170 User Guide
Stratasys uPrint SE PLus User Guide

For next class...
We will move on some simple CAM for CNC next class!

10.9 - CNC Intro

Getting Started:
Open up Fusion 360, measure your material and make a rectangular prism that is undersized! Draw that prism in CAD. We will be learning CNC and CAM. We are desinging a simple part that will be cut out of pine. We will be going over simple CAM, running a machine, tooling, and doing some creative design!

Supplemental Materials:
Fundamentals of CNC Machining - Autodesk
Tormach PathPilot HSM Post Processor
Tormach Machine Code Reference
Simple 2D CAM Part in Fusion 360

For next class...
We will be creating our first part next class on the CNC and doing maintenance!

10.16 - CNC Project
Your goal is to complete the CNC milling project with 2 operations on the Tormach 1100 Mill. Make sure you measure your setup stock appropriately. Double check your tool and parameters!

Supplemental Materials:
Yonico 31215 1/4" Spiral Upcut Bit

12.4 - Project Submissions

Getting Started:
Please use the class time to finalize your projects for the semester. You should have completed 3 major projects this semester. The projects are a laser cut box, 3D printed hook, and a CNC milled nameplate. You should also fill all the guidelines for your final project that includes 2 processes and 1 design tool!

Supplemental Materials:
Semester Project Submission - DUE 12/7
Final Project Submission - DUE 12/11